Breaking Free: Discover the 3 Questions Suppressing Your True Potential
Jul 08, 2023
You know you have the potential for more…
You can feel it in your heart.
People frequently compliment you and call you a 'high-performer'.
You may have been in countless programmes, courses and seminars, yet you still don't feel 'there yet'.
“True happiness is the absence of the search for happiness.”
Peter Crone
I have something incredibly special for you this Saturday morning.
Click here to receive my ultimate belief shifting process so you can gain clarity for life on the core beliefs, actions and feelings holding you back.
For years I have been going deep into personal development but, like many of us, I felt stuck. At first I was on a quest for safety…
If only I could get more money...
If only I could improve that relationship...
If only I could never get sick...
THEN I will be safe and I can enjoy life.
This unknowingly led to FEAR. Fear of the loss of safety, belonging and status.
Fear that my basic human needs would not be met.
In fact, this is the paradigm most people are unknowingly living their life through.
They hustle, hustle, hustle in order to get to a time and space where they will be free…
Maybe you visualise yourself lying on a beach, in a private jet or just enjoying yourself.
Well, I’ve met and worked with multiple millionaires and they are doing all those things BUT they are still on a quest for safety.
Why? It’s because of their beliefs, energy and environment.
You can think of your beliefs as repetitive emotional thoughts that become the movie of your life. It sounds crazy I know, but I’ve seen first-hand what shifting these beliefs can do.
I’ve seen:
- Millionaires finally affording themselves the time and space to relax
- Struggling entrepreneurs 3x their revenue
- People going through partnership breakups finding peace in the face of judgement
They changed their movie, paradigm or perspective. They shifted how they viewed the world and I want that for you.
The key lies in releasing stuck energy in our body.
At a young age, we learn through pain that if that emotion (fear, anger or sadness) is not shifted in that moment, it becomes stuck and stored in our body.
This may sound 'woo woo', but neuroscientist and psychiatrist Daniel Siegel confirms that…
“The mind is an embodied process.”
Meaning that our mind and body are one. We store memories, experiences and emotions in our body.
Here are the 3 questions suppressing your true potential and real life examples of how answering these can help you…
1. Am I safe?
Recently I was working with a client who was hustling all day and night. They were burning themselves out.
They felt drained on a Friday and would indulge in foods, people and activities that they knew would harm them.
It would have been easy to work on the habits here but that is not the way.
We delved into their body and their past - as we delved into the memory, we noted energy that was stuck in their stomach and they became one with it. It released...
Within a week, they hired help in their business and at home because they no longer needed to hustle as hard.
They now accomplish more in less time and are happier in the process.
2. Do I belong?
A client of mine was struggling with boundaries but they couldn't identify why. They were nice and put a high value on kindness but at the expense of their own health, happiness and even wealth.
When we delved deep, there was a deep sadness in them and a memory of them being bullied at school in the playground.
They sent that part of themselves love and compassion….
And, within a few weeks they learnt to create loving, healthy and compassionate boundaries and therefore more authentic connections.
3. Am I good enough?
Another client was playing it small. They had been in loads of programmes, courses and trainings but had not yet achieved the results they truly desired.
When they delved into their mind, it was clear they were avoiding growth and not committing because deep inside they felt they didn't deserve it.
All the evidence from their past came up - how their sibling was favoured over them, how they failed at various endeavours and how their parent was critical of them frequently.
They cried as they had repressed these memories.
After this release they quit a few projects that were not serving them, said no to mediocre opportunities and left room for the level of growth they always knew they were capable of.
Watch this space to see how it turns out.
If this email spoke to you, download this sheet and have a go at shifting the beliefs that sit within all of us.
Document where you are now and then around 1-3 months after shifting the belief. Get in touch with your response.
I am driven by one thing - your transformation towards more peace, prosperity and longevity.
With love,