Empower Your Choices: Conquer the 6 Common Decision-Making Mistakes
Jul 04, 2023
This week a client asked me…
“How do I avoid making mistakes with my decision making?”
Read on to learn about 6 mistakes to avoid in your decision making.
After delving deeper, it transpired that they were continually stuck in stories from the past and this was holding back their whole team...
It is thought that we make up to 35,000 decisions a day. How do you know if you are making the right choices?
A recent video I posted on Instagram drew on the wisdom of Deepak Chopra with a series a questions, known as the 3 questions of Karma…
1. Will this choice bring success and fulfilment to me and those around me?
2. What are the consequences of this action?
3. Does this choice feel comfortable in my body?
I frequently meet entrepreneurs, experts and leaders at various stages in their journey. One observation I’ve noticed clearly is that, people who are more advanced live much less in their mind and more in their body…
They have less self-doubt, worry and fear, often because they have made more mistakes, not because they are special.
And they have dealt with those mistakes with compassion.
This helps the release of neurochemicals and brainwaves associated with their highest potential. It allows them to live in heart-brain coherence as opposed to incoherence.
And a state of coherence is key to aligned decision making.
So, in your decisions this week be aware of mistakes but, most importantly, treat yourself with compassion.
Here are the 6 mistakes to avoid with decision making:
1. Ignoring information relevant to the decision
2. Using pure logic or pure intuition
3. Resisting fears
4. Not setting time containers
5. Worrying too much about short-term loss
6. Not taking calculated risks
If this spoke to you, send me a response to share your story.
With love,